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Flojet Popular list of pump models and list prices [Flojet Pumps ALL]

Flojet Popular list of pump models and list prices
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Part Number: Flojet Pumps ALL
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Item  Description 2010 / 2011 List Price
01510000 5100 / N5100 / G57 1/4" HB BRASS STRAIGHT WITH CV 9.75
01520000 5100 / N5100 / G57 1/4" HB BRASS TEE WITH CV 7.86
01521000 5100 / N5100 / G57 1/4" HB BRASS ELBOW WITH CV 7.86
01720000S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X 3/4" HB SS 20M 20.00
01720002S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X 1/2" HB SS 20M 20.00
01720010S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ SS 20M 20.00
01720012S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ SS 20M 20.00
01720023S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" MNPT SS 20M 20.00
01720102S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X 1/2" HB PP 20M 20.00
01720103S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" HB PP 20M 20.00
01720123S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" MNPT 90˚ PP 20M 20.00
01720375S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" FNPT X 3/8" FNPT SS 20M 20.00
01740000S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X 34" HB SS 40M 20.00
01740002S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X 1/2" HB SS 40M 20.00
01740003S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" HB SS 40M 20.00
01740010S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ SS 40M 20.00
01740012S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ SS 40M  20.00
01740023S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" MNPT SS 40M 20.00
01740300A SNAP FIT STRAINER 14.11
01740375S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" FNPT X 3/8" FNPT SS 40M 20.00
01745000S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X 3/4" HB SS 40M PETG VIT 20.00
01745010S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/4" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ 40M PETG VIT 20.00
01745012S STRAINER IN-LINE 1/2" HB X QUAD PORT 90˚ 40M PETG VIT 20.00
01745023S STRAINER IN-LINE 3/8" HB X 3/8" MNPT SS 40M PETG VIT 20.00
01750301C REGULATOR INLINE 50 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 1/4" HB NYLON 29.01
01750302C REGULATOR INLINE 50 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 3/8" HB NYLON 29.01
01750303C REGULATOR INLINE 50 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 1/2" HB NYLON 29.01
01750321C REGULATOR INLINE 30 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 1/4" HB NYLON 29.01
01750322C REGULATOR INLINE 30 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 3/8" HB NYLON 29.01
01750323C REGULATOR INLINE 30 PSI, 1/2" MNPT X 1/2" HB NYLON 29.01
01752300C REGULATOR INLINE 50 PSI, QD connect, NO PORTS 26.54
01752302C REGULATOR INLINE 50 PSI, QD connect, 3/8" HB PORTS 29.01
01752320C REGULATOR INLINE 30 PSI, QD connect, NO PORTS 26.54
01752322C REGULATOR INLINE 30 PSI, QD connect 3/8" HB PORTS 29.01
01752350C REGULATOR INLINE 15 PSI, QD connect, NO PORTS 26.54
01752352C REGULATOR INLINE 15 PSI, QD connect, 3/8" HB PORTS 29.01
02009001A MTR 12V TENV STD SHFT 2BB SS 3250 RPM 126.90
02009002A MTR 12V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB SS 4150 RPM 144.77
02009004A MTR 12V TENV STD SHFT SLV 22 3250 RPM 108.99
02009015A MTR 12V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB SS 3450 RPM 122.13
02009027A MTR 12V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB MS 3000 RPM 129.17
02009037A MTR 12V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB MS 3000 RPM THERM 142.00
02009043A MOTOR S/A 12VDC 2BB(-048) 137.95
02009044A MTR 12V TENV STD SHFT SLV SS 1600 RPM 117.01
02009048A MOTOR 12V 20T 21W 2BB 179.76
02009063A MTR 12V TENV STD SHFT SLV SS 3250 RPM ILC 120.81
02009073A MTR 12V DC MARINE WATER 98.04
02009080A MTR 12V DC G.P./WASHDOWN 157.98
02009087A MTR 12V 2BB 142.94
02009090A MTR 12V TENV D SHFT 2BB DUPLEX II  155.69
02009092A MTR 12V TENV D SHFT 2BB 180.37
02009100A MTR 12V TENV D SHFT 2BB 203.15
02009147A MOTOR S/A 12VDC 2BB 91.89
02009169A MOTOR S/A 12VDC  TRIPLEX 87.00
02009177A MTR 12V TENV SEALED (4120-500) 113.80
02019001A MTR 24V TENV STD SHFT SLV 176.20
02019006A MTR 24V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 148.65
02019023A MTR 24V DC WPS/SHOWER DR 100.02
02019024A MOTOR S/A 24VDC 2BB(-053) 100.02
02019026A MTR 24V DC G.P./WASHDOWN 103.41
02019027A MTR 24V DC WPS/WASHDOWN/ 158.76
02019057A MOTOR S/A 24VDC SLV 85.32
02029000A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT SLV 137.56
02029013A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2 171.45
02029014A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT SLV 6' CORD 176.22
02029015A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT SLV 144.10
02029020A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 176.37
02029021A MTR 115V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 204.47
02029026A MTR 115V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 176.38
02029030A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2BB 176.37
02029038A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2BB  (RUG DOCTOR) 140.02
02029039A MTR 115V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 202.82
02029050A MTR 115V TENV THD SHFT SLV 170.08
02029055A MTR 115V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 6' CORD 189.60
02029058A MTR 115V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 154.87
02029081A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT SLV 144.13
02029090A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2BB 176.39
02029091A MOTOR S/A 115VAC 2BB 199.94
02029092A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2BB  (KENT) 156.48
02029097A MTR 115V TENV STD SHFT 2BB  191.11
02029104A MTR 115V TENV D SHFT 2BB DUPLEX II 220.67
02029108A MTR 115V TENV D-SHFT 2BB 126.62
02029114A MTR 115V TENV D SHFT 2BB 201.91
02029115A MTR 115V TENV D SHFT 2BB 181.45
02029117A MTR 115V TENV D SHFT 2BB 198.99
02029122A MOTOR S/A 115VAC 2BB 181.37
02029129A MTR 115V TENV LHTH SLOTTED  (THERMAX) 138.14
02029134A MTR S/A 115VAC 2BB 148.98
02029144A MOTOR S/A 115VAC 2BB (001 145.11
02029152A MOTOR 115V 2 GPM 30/60 PSI 156.48
02029153A MOTOR 115V 2 GPM 30/60 PSI 156.48
02029154A MOTOR 115V 2 GPM 30/60 PSI 156.48
02039001A MTR 230V TENV STD SHFT SLV 150.91
02039012A MTR 230V TENV STD SHFT 2BB 157.42
02039027A MTR 230V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 183.17
02039031A MTR 230V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 165.75
02039060A MTR 230V TENV STD SHFT SLV 132.60
02039073A MTR 230V TENV STD SHFT SLV 132.60
02039074A MOTOR S/A 230VAC 2BB (001 176.20
02039085A MOTOR S/A 230VAC 2BB 183.17
02039141A MOTOR 230VAC 2.0 GPM 30/60 PSI 183.17
02049001A MTR 36V TENV STD SHFT SLV 129.18
02049017A MTR 36V TENV STD SHFT SLV 170.08
02049018A MTR 36V TENV STD SHFT SLV 129.18
02049021A MTR 36V TEFC STD SHFT 2BB 157.71
02059001A MOTOR S/A 24VAC 2BB (054) 126.38
02090100 KIT P/S 60 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090103 KIT P/S 45 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090104 KIT P/S 35 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 44.69
02090104 KIT P/S 35 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090105 KIT P/S 30 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090108 KIT P/S 20 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090114 KIT P/S 18 PSI DIRECT MOUNT  36.31
02090115 KIT P/S 95 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090117 KIT P/A 30 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090118 KIT P/S 40 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090119 KIT P/S 75 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090120 KIT P/S 100 PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02090121 KIT P/S 80PSI DIRECT MOUNT 45.58
02091040 KIT PRESS SW EP 40PSI TRIPLEX 46.93
02091050 KIT PRESS SW EP 50PSI TRIPLEX 46.93
02091780 KIT PRESS SW EP 80 PSI 5 PISTON 47.72
02095100 KIT P/S 60 PSI 1/4 NPT 45.58
02095101 KIT P/S 60 PSI 1/4 NPT 45.58
02095103 KIT P/S 45 PSI 1/4 NPT 45.58
02095104 KIT P/S 35 PSI 1/4 NPT  45.58
02095105 KIT P/S 30 PSI 1/4 NPT  45.58
02095108 KIT P/S 20 PSI 1/4 NPT  45.58
02095109 KIT P/S 30 PSI 1/4 NPT 49.15
02095115 KIT P/S 95 PSI 1/4 NPT 45.58
02095117 KIT P/S 30 PSI 1/4 NPT 49.15
02100012A MPU 115V BUN 2C SW60 226.05
02100020A MPU 115V VIT 0C SW60 253.78
02100021A MPU 115V VIT 1C SW60 253.78
02100022A MPU 115V VIT 2C SW60 257.93
02100024A MPU 115V VIT 4C SW60 253.78
02100030A MPU 115V S/E 0C SW60 220.12
02100031A MPU 115V S/E 1C SW60 220.12
02100032A MPU 115V S/E 2C SW60 228.20
02100035A MPU 115V S/E 5C SW60 246.24
02100112A MPU 12V BUN 2C SW60 194.62
02100120A MPU 12V VIT 0C SW60 219.31
02100121A MPU 12V VIT 1C SW60 219.31
02100122A MPU 12V VIT 2C SW60 219.31
02100124A MPU 12V VIT 4C SW60 219.31
02100130A MPU 12V S/E 0C SW60 185.61
02100131A MPU 12V S/E 1C SW60 185.61
02100132A MPU 12V S/E 2C SW60 185.61
02100134A MPU 12V S/E 4C SW60 185.61
02100135A MPU 12V S/E 5C SW60 185.61
02100212A MPU 230V BUN 2C SW60 234.84
02100222A MPU 230V VIT 2C SW60 267.15
02100230A MPU 230V S/E 0C SW60 230.56
02100232A MPU 230V S/E 2C SW60 230.56
02100234A MPU 230V S/E 4C SW60 230.56
02100235A MPU 230V S/E 5C SW60 230.56
02100311A MPU 24V BUN 1C SW60 194.93
02100312A MPU 24V BUN 2C SW60 194.93
02100332A MPU 24V S/E 2C SW60 197.07
02100515A MPU 115V S/E 2C 202.38
02100535A MPU 12V S/E 5C FAN 194.08
02100549A MPU 115V EP 0C 1BP50  205.78
02100551A MPU 115V S/E 0C SW60  220.12
02100556A MPU 230V STO 0C 1BP48  211.72
02100561A MPU 230V S/E 2C 208.26
02100571A MPU 36V BUN 5C 2BP67 193.98
02100573A MPU 12V S/E 2C  169.77
02100576A MPU 230V S/E 4C 202.82
02100579A MPU 12V STO 0C 1BP50  174.30
02100591A MPU 230V S/E 0C SW60 D/LEFT 233.11
02100598A MPU 230V B/V 0C SW60 253.64
02100599A MPU 12V S/V 0C SW60 199.28
02100609A MPU 12V STO 4C 1BP48  183.14
02100610A MPU 12V BUN 2C  173.15
02100615A MPU 12V S/E 2C 170.88
02100636A MPU 12V S/E 2C FAN 197.27
02100637A MPU 12V S/E 2C SW35 FAN 211.51
02100642A MPU 24V BUN 2C 2BP28  193.64
02100646A MPU DII 12V V/V 2C BP38  211.00
02100647A MPU 12V S/E 4C 170.88
02100650A MPU 12V VIT 2C 2BP65 FAN 238.50
02100652A MPU 12V S/V 2C SW60 199.28
02100657A MPU 115V STO 1C 1BP45  202.47
02100659A MPU 115V S/E 2C SW60 222.38
02100668A MPU 115V STO 0C 1BP30 D/UP 199.12
02100669A MPU 115V STO 0C 1BP30 D/DOWN 202.51
02100676A MPU 12V VIT 2C SW35 FAN 245.09
02100678A MPU 230V VIT 0C 1BP50 NY 261.23
02100679A MPU DII 115V S/E 2C BP59 D/LF 218.94
02100681A MPU 12V BUN 2C 2BP70  203.87
02100682A MPU 115V BUN 1C 1BP48  238.66
02100689A MPU 230V STO 2C 2BP55 D/LEFT 232.73
02100692A MPU 115V VIT 0C 1BP50  244.62
02100694A MPU 12V S/E 5C 148.95
02100696A MPU 115V VIT 1C SW60 284.20
02100697A MPU 12V STO 2C 2BP24  175.57
02100699A MPU 12V VIT 0C 2BP55 204.80
02100700A MPU 12V VIT 1C SW35 219.31
02100702A MPU DII 115V S/E 1C SW60 D/LEFT 219.31
02100714A MPU 12V BUN 0C 1/4 HOLE 177.77
02100718A MPU 115V STO 0C 1BP50 D/LEFT 193.27
02100719A MPU 12V STO 0C 1BP70 FAN 199.21
02100720A MPU 12V BUN 2C 2BP50 178.34
02100721A MPU 115V VIT 0C 2BP55 D/LEFT 238.43
02100721E MPU 115V VIT 0C 2BP55 D/LEFT METAL BASEPLATE 238.43
02100722A MPU 115V VIT 1C 1BP48 NY 249.50
02100723A MPU 230V VIT 1C 2BP65 NY 263.64
02100732A MPU 12V S/E 2C SW60 FAN 213.55
02100734A MPU 12V VIT 2C FAN 229.82
02100735A MPU 12V BUN 2C NSW FAN D/LEFT 196.20
02100737A MPU 12V STO 2C 2BP45  175.57
02100738A MPU 12V STO 2C 2BP30 FAN 201.67
02100738E MPU 12V STO 2C 2BP30 FAN METAL BASEPLATE 201.67


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This product was added to our store on Tuesday 12 July, 2011.
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