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HydroForce AS08R, Revolution Injection Sprayer, Adjustable Ratio Settings, A99934 [AS08R] |
by Donald Cook |
Date Added: Monday 10 June, 2024 |
The original adjustable injection spray that allows you to used with machines that can produce over 200 psi all the way to 600 psi, while this allows you to adjust your simi-concentrate pre-spray or post spray to be applied at a wide range from 4- 1 all the way to 32 to 1 ratio. No mixing, or pumping needed. Simply turn the dilution control dial mounted on the side of the spayer body to achieve the desired dilution rate. The side mount cap allows you to refill the chemical jug without having to remove from the sprayer. The 6506 spray tip allows from precise along the wall and around furniture application control. Includes a thicker rotomold walled 5 quart spray jug that will easily last over 10 years of heavy duty use. Includes swivels on the gun hose for ease of use. This is the top of the line injection sprayer in the Hydroforce line up.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |