Demo / refurbished /blemished means: might have blemish, scratch, rust, or dent, used at a trade show, tested in the showroom by a customer, last years model, return by shipping company (with or without damage), returned by customer, used by factory for R&D work, or just an out of box just sitting on the shelf special. Limited stock so if you purchase it and we cannot fill the order because another customer beat you to the bargain, your money will be returned. Please do not call to see if it is still available as if the web page is up and viewable, it is available this second. If you delayed and asked if it available so you let some other customer place the order ahead of you.
All sales are final. Condition: "A+"
*Our refurbished equipment goes through the same type of testing as all of our products do that are ready for purchase. The unit is in perfect working condition when it leaves our facility and includes the same warranty as a new machine (except labor). All machine now include a plastic clear cleaning wand instead of a stainless steel cleaning wand